
Visible Legacy TechFeed


  • Aggregated list of new technologie releases from over a hundred universities
  • Posted regularly
  • Choose to have sent to your inbox
  • Uses Substack framework for familiar reading
  • Subscribe to Premium to receive the newest posts first


Visible Legacy reads the feeds of over a hundred research universities and snaps these inventions into our knowledge graph and links them to the people, grants, papers, organizations, and patents that give you the "context" to quickly understand and navigate the development ecosystem. These technologies are collected and published as a feed with links to Navigator that are easily searched and copied into your workflow. Aimed at industry technology licensing officers and corporate tech scouts, the TechFeed list saves you time from going to each university and delivers pre-connected relevant data in each post.

The TechFeed is published with sections for new disclosures from universities using Inteum Technology Publisher, other university feeds, and a pre-constructed link to search all new technologies in our Facet Search.

Navigator and the TechFeed newsletter is offered free to users through the support of sponsors interested in accelerating the translation of university research to industry. Become a Premium TechFeed subscriber to receive the most recent releases first, right to your inbox.

New Technology Disclosures from Inteum Technology Publisher

We read the feeds from the many research universities using the Minuet Technology Publisher from Inteum. All these technologies are snapped into our knowledge graph and linked to the development context behind the invention. The TechFeed lists these by university and includes the direct link to Navigator that you can use in your workflow or jump right to the topic.

Additional New Technology Disclosures

We have also crafted feed readers for other major research universities such as Stanford, University of Minnesota, University of Michigan, Texas Tech, Cornell, and the entire University of California system.

Fast Navigator Search for New Technologies

The feed includes a pre-written search to Navigator for all recently added technologies. Use the power of Navigator Facet Search to drill down to search across all universities to find the technology fit you need.

TechFeed Premium

Following the typical Substack model, you can read the articles for free. Subscribe to receive the most recent releases first, right to your inbox.

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