- Written by Will Snow
Packard Foundation Fellows
FeaturedThe Packard Foundation is celebrating 30 years of offering early-career awards to talented academic researchers. We've made a list to help Tech Scouts find Packard Foundation Fellows.
We wrote recently about the impact of the Packard Foundation Fellows program. To help Tech Scouts who want to keep an eye on the outputs and innovations from these selected awardees, here is a list of the Fellows as of February 2019. These are sorted by when they were picked up by our machine learning algorithms. The sort is roughly chronological with more senior investigators at the top and the early-career investigators later. We will continuously add more details about context and metrics.
- Bo Huang - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Chaitan Khosla - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Charles H. S. Ahn - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Constance J. Chang-Hasnain - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dan Boneh - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Goldhaber-Gordon - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Eric S. Shaqfeh - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hongjie Dai - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- James M. Berger - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jerry M. Harris - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Karla A. Kirkegaard - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kathryn Ann Moler - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mark J. Schnitzer - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mehmet F. Yanik - ETH Zurich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ozgur Sahin - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Shanhui Fan - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Stephen R. Quake - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Thomas H. Lee - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Tobias Meyer - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Zheng Wang - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Gill Bejerano - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Xiaoliang Qi - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Bianxiao Cui - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Todd J. Martinez - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Julie A. Theriot - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jan Carette - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Benjamin Lev - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Akshay Venkatesh - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ronald Fedkiw - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Shamit Kachru - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel Herschlag - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Joseph D. Puglisi - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Paul M. Macdonald - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jennifer A. Doudna - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Baker - University of Washington | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Wendell A. Lim - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Emily Balskus - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mark Braverman - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael Jewett - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kwabena A. Boahen - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Zhiwei Yun - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Yuri Suzuki - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jonathan K. Pritchard - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jonathan A. Fan - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel F. Jarosz - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kristi S. Anseth - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Sangeeta N Bhatia - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Douglas L Black - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel I Bolnick - University of Texas at Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ronald R Breaker - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Christopher J Chang - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jason G Cyster - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Joseph L Derisi - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael B Elowitz - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Rachel Green - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Erich D. Jarvis - Rockefeller University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Youxing Jiang - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ruth Lehmann - New York University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrew W. Murray - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Erin K. O'shea - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alanna Schepartz - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Geraldine Seydoux - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David L Stern - Howard Hughes Medical Institute | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Sinisa Urban - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jonathan S. Weissman - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hongtao Yu - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Xiaowei Zhuang - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Lu Chen - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Weizhe Hong - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kwanghun Chung - Masachussets Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John E. Carlstrom - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Christoph M. Keplinger - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Carlos Lois - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael H. Dickinson - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mikhail G. Shapiro - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David J. Brady - Duke University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Lingchong You - Duke University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Carol A. Fierke - University of Michigan | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Chay T. Kuo - Duke University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nicholas L. Abbott - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ted G. Abel - University of Pennsylvania | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Sarah M. Aciego - University of Michigan | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Eldridge S. Adams - University of Connecticut | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ali Adibi - Georgia Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Igor L. Aleiner - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Richard B. Alley - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Amy E. Alving - DXC Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Anton V. Andreev - University of Washington | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Trisha Andrew - University of Massachusetts Amherst | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alexei Aravin - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Rey-Huei Chen - Academia Sinica | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- James P. Morken - Boston College | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Piali Sengupta - Brandeis University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Frances H. Arnold - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Geoffrey A. Blake - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Sean M. Carroll - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John M. Eiler - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kenneth A. Farley - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Woodward Fischer - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael C. Gurnis - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Babak Hassibi - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- James R. Heath - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Christopher Hirata - Ohio State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Hsieh - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Shrinivas R. Kulkarni - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Stephen L. Mayo - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dianne K. Newman - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Gil Refael - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Peter Schroder - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Shu-ou Shan - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Charles C. Steidel - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Yu-Chong Tai - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrew Thompson - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Scott C. Virgil - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nai-Chang Yeh - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dannie M. Durand - Carnegie Mellon University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrew J. Gellman - Carnegie Mellon University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Venkatesan Guruswami - Carnegie Mellon University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Chris Harrison - Carnegie Mellon University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jessica K. Hodgins - Carnegie Mellon University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Luis von Ahn - Carnegie Mellon University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daphne K. Preuss - Chromatin Inc. | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Adam C. Siepel - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ivan Corwin - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Arlin P. Crotts - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Cory Dean - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jingyue Ju - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Shree K. Nayar - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrei Okounkov - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dana Pe'er - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kenneth A. Ross - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Adam Sobel - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Yasutomo J. Uemura - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Latha Venkataraman - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Geoffrey W. Coates - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- J.C. Seamus Davis - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Veit Elser - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jon M. Kleinberg - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Lena F. Kourkoutis - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ruth E. Ley - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Gregory B. Martin - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Paul L. McEuen - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel C. Ralph - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Elaine Runting Shi - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Eva Tardos - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Z. Jane Wang - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nathaniel J. Dominy - Dartmouth College | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Francesco Stellacci - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ken Ono - Emory University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Erick M. Carreira - ETH Zurich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Peter Chen - ETH Zurich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Consuelo M. De Moraes - ETH Zurich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Atac Imamoglu - ETH Zurich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jonathan Levine - ETH Zurich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Marc Pollefeys - ETH Zurich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Tapio Schneider - ETH Zurich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Paul J. Tackley - ETH Zurich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Piet W. Brouwer - Freie Universitat Berlin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mei-Yin Chou - Georgia Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dragomir Davidovic - Georgia Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- William Ratcliff - Georgia Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Justin K. Romberg - Georgia Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Robert L. Whetten - niversity of Texas, San Antonio | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Younan Xia - Georgia Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Li Zhang - Google | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jeremy Bloxham - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Charbonneau - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Charlie Conroy - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Noam D. Elkies - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Karine Gibbs - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Peter Huybers - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel J. Jacob - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Eric N. Jacobsen - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John A. Johnson - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Charles M. Lieber - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jonathan B. Losos - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mikhail D. Lukin - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Timothy J. Mitchison - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrew G. Myers - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kang-Kuen Ni - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Karin Oberg - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hongkun Park - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ann Pearson - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Pardis C. Sabeti - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Eugene I. Shakhnovich - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alicia Soderberg - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Christopher W. Stubbs - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Cumrun Vafa - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Horng-Tzer Yau - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Reem Sari - Hebrew University of Jerusalem | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Simon C. Brassell - Indiana University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nima Arkani-Hamed - Institute for Advanced Study | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Matias Zaldarriaga - Institute for Advanced Study | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Elizabeth Chen - UTSouthwestern | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Xin Chen - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Samer Hattar - National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Tyrel M. McQueen - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Brice Menard - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel H. Reich - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Trina A. Schroer - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Cynthia Wolberger - Johns Hopkins University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Matthias Steinmetz - Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), Germany | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Raymond Ashoori - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Moungi G. Bawendi - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Angela M. Belcher - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Christopher C. Cummins - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jacob Fox - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Liang Fu - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jacqueline N. Hewitt - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Piotr Indyk - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Pablo Jarillo-Herrero - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David R. Karger - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Wolfgang Ketterle - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- J. Troy Littleton - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ankur Moitra - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Bjorn Poonen - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Rahul Sarpeshkar - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Rebecca Saxe - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Max E. Tegmark - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Robert D. van der Hilst - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Troy Van Voorhis - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Christopher A. Voigt - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jackie Y. Ying - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Martin Zwierlein - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Didier Y.R. Stainier - Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Bernhard Keimer - Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Herwig Baier - Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Marcos Dantus - Michigan State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kay E. Holekamp - Michigan State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jay Strader - Michigan State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Raghu Ramakrishnan - Microsoft | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Boaz Barak - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John E. Hamer - DCVC Bio | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nancy M. Haegel - National Renewable Energy Laboratory | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Karim-Jean Armache - New York University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Georgi Dvali - New York University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Leslie F. Greengard - New York University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David G. Grier - New York University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrei Gruzinov - New York University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Agnel Sfeir - New York University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Tycho Sleator - New York University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mamta Tahiliani - New York University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Gregory C. Gibson - North Carolina State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mary H. Schweitzer - Museum of Natural Sciences | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Seth Sullivant - North Carolina State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Venkat Chandrasekhar - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Elad Harel - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Steven D. Jacobsen - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrew D. Jacobson - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Vassiliki Kalogera - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- SonBinh T. Nguyen - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Brian Odom - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Teri W. Odom - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Monica Olvera de la Cruz - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Amy C. Rosenzweig - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Emily Weiss - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Charles Wilson - Unum Therapeutics | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dongping Zhong - Ohio State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John V. Badding - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Susan L. Brantley - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Vincent H. Crespi - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Diane M. Henderson - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kin Fai Mak - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David S. Weiss - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Peter Wilf - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mary Beth Williams - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Neil G. Turok - Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Sanjeev Arora - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Gaspar A. Bakos - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Waseem S. Bakr - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Bogdan Bernevig - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Manjul Bhargava - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Garnet Chan - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Paul J. Chirik - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Stephen Y. Chou - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Thomas S. Duffy - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jeremy J. Goodman - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrew Houck - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alexandru D. Ionescu - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- William Jones - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Yannis G. Kevrekidis - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Assaf Naor - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Celeste Nelson - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Lyman A. Page - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Rahul V. Pandharipande - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH) | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Sabine Petry - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jason Petta - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael Romalis - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- H. Sebastian Seung - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Christopher M. Skinner - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Shivaji L. Sondhi - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Zoltan Szabo - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jeroen Tromp - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Herman Verlinde - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ali Shakouri - Purdue University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John Lupton - Regensburg University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Robert D. Grober - Renaissance Technologies | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Rajdeep Dasgupta - Rice University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Thomas C. Killian - Rice University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Cin-Ty Lee - Rice University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Douglas Natelson - Rice University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Junrong Zheng - Rice University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Helene Muller-Landau - Smithsonian Institution | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Karl Glazebrook - Swinburne University of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Emil Yuzbashyan - The State University of New Jersey, Rutgers | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Fernando G. Paganini - Universidad ORT Uruguay | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Carolina R. Lithgow-Bertelloni - University College London | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alexander Badyaev - University of Arizona | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Xiaohui Fan - University of Arizona | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrei M. Sanov - University of Arizona | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jessica E. Tierney - University of Arizona | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael Worobey - University of Arizona | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dennis Zaritsky - University of Arizona | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Marek G. Zreda - University of Arizona | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Fiona Doetsch - University of Basel | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Trevor D. Wooley - University of Bristol | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Wayne P. Maddison - University of British Columbia | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Doris Bachtrog - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kristie A. Boering - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jonathan D. Bray - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John F. Canny - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Seth Finnegan - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Felix R. Fischer - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Edward Frenkel - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Phillip Geissler - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Naomi Ginsberg - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- James Graham - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Martin P. Head-Gordon - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Arash Komeili - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Antonio Montalban - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Holger Mueller - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Eliot Quataert - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Uros P. Seljak - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Yun Song - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dan M. Stamper-Kurn - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Bernd Sturmfels - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Laura Waller - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Feng Wang - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ming C. Wu - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ke Xu - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Matthew P. Augustine - University of California, Davis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Margaret Chatham Crofoot - University of California, Davis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Matthew Franklin - University of California, Davis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Brian H. Kolner - University of California, Davis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Santiago Ramirez - University of California, Davis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Arthur D. Lander - University of California, Irvine | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Martha L. Mecartney - University of California, Irvine | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dino Di Carlo - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Steven Furlanetto - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrea M. Ghez - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Richard B. Kaner - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alice E. Shapley - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Yi Tang - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Terence C. Tao - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Anne M. Kelley - University of California, Merced | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Victor Munoz - University of California, Merced | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mihir Bellare - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Robert E. Continetti - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kimberly L. Cooper - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Rachel Dutton - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Trey Ideker - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Amy Kiger - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Takaki Komiyama - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrew C. Kummel - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jeffrey Severinghaus - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Emily Troemel - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alexander Vardy - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Steven A. Wasserman - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Martin F. Yanofsky - University of California, San Diego | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hana El-Samad - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael Fischbach - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- James S. Fraser - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Su Guo - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Cynthia J. Kenyon - Calico | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hao Li - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dengke Ma - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hiten D. Madhani - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jeremy Reiter - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Leon M. Balents - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Steven K. Buratto - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jean M. Carlson - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Bradley F. Chmelka - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael J. Gordon - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Song-I Han - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Crystal L. Martin - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Joan-Emma Shea - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Tommaso Treu - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Cenke Xu - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrea Young - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Sue A.Carter - University of California, Santa Cruz | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ryan J. Foley - University of California, Santa Cruz | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kristy Jean Kroeker - University of California, Santa Cruz | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz - University of California, Santa Cruz | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Constance Rockosi - University of California, Santa Cruz | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Beth Shapiro - University of California, Santa Cruz | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Lisa C. Sloan - University of California, Santa Cruz | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Archer - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jacob Bean - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Joy M. Bergelson - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Cheng Chin - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nicolas Dauphas - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alex Eskin - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Margaret Gardel - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Philippe M. Guyot-Sionnest - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael D. Hopkins - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Wayne Hu - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- William Irvine - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Heinrich M. Jaeger - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Woowon Kang - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ka Yee C. Lee - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jared Lewis - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Manyuan Long - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Mazziotti - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ketan D. Mulmuley - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Norbert F. Scherer - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Schuster - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Paul C. Sereno - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Tiffany Shaw - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jonathan P. Staley - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Dmitri Talapin - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andrei Tokmakoff - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Gregory A. Voth - University of Chicago | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Elizabeth Bradley - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Barbara Demmig-Adams - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel L. Feldheim - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael Hermele - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Pieter Johnson - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David M. Jonas - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Milos Popovic - Boston University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John C. Price - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Leo Radzihovsky - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Cindy Regal - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alexis S. Templeton - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Shijie Zhong - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Joseph T. Jarrett - University of Hawaii | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Martin Gruebele - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Feng Sheng Hu - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Neil L. Kelleher - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nancy Makri - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Benjamin J. McCall - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Douglas A. Mitchell - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Charles Schroeder - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Scott K. Silverman - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jonathan V. Sweedler - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Vedran Lekic - University of Maryland, College Park | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ari M. Mizel - University of Maryland, College Park | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- William W. Pugh - University of Maryland, College Park | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Janice E. Reutt-Robey - University of Maryland, College Park | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Victor M. Yakovenko - University of Maryland, College Park | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Melissa J. Moore - University of Massachusetts Medical School | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Magdalena Bezanilla - University of Massachusetts, Amherst | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- James J. Watkins - University of Massachusetts, Amherst | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ivan Marusic - University of Melbourne | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Bhargav Bhatt - University of Michigan | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mircea Mustata - University of Michigan | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel Rabosky - University of Michigan | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Corinna S. Schindler - University of Michigan | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David A. Blank - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Xiang Cheng - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kevin Dorfman - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- C. Daniel Frisbie - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Marc A. Hillmyer - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Claudia M. Schmidt-Dannert - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Andreas Stein - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael Tsapatsis - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- George D. Weiblen - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John R.B. Lighton - Sable Systems International | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- James Cahoon - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jillian Lee Dempsey - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Samuel Lai - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Bo Li - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Nicewicz - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Elizabeth J. Robertson - University of Oxford | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jeffrey W. Bode - ETH–Zürich | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nancy M. Bonini - University of Pennsylvania | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jason Burdick - University of Pennsylvania | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John C. Crocker - University of Pennsylvania | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alan T. Charlie - University of Pennsylvania | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Joshua B. Plotkin - University of Pennsylvania | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Joseph E. Subotnik - University of Pennsylvania | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alison Sweeney - University of Pennsylvania | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Sarah A. Tishkoff - University of Pennsylvania | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jeffrey G. Lawrence - University of Pittsburgh | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nicholas P. Bigelow - University of Rochester | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- H. Allen Orr - University of Rochester | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Vasilii Petrenko - University of Rochester | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daven Presgraves - University of Rochester | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Stephen E. Bradforth - University of Southern California | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hubert M. Saleur - University of Southern California | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alan E. Willner - University of Southern California | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Li I. Zhang - University of Southern California | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Roger T. Bonnecaze - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mark F. Hamilton - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel T. Jaffe - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Edward M. Marcotte - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jennifer Maynard - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Thomas M. Truskett - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Tandy Warnow - University of Illinois | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Brent Waters - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Zuckerman - University of Texas, Austin | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Yunsun Nam - University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel M. Rosenbaum - University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Benjamin Tu - University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Brenda L. Bass - University of Utah | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Graeme W. Milton - University of Utah | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- June Round - University of Utah | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hilary Bart-Smith - University of Virginia | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kevin Janes - University of Virginia | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kelsey Johnson - University of Virginia | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Robert R. Jones - University of Virginia | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Steven R. Majewski - University of Virginia | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Gabriel Robins - University of Virginia | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Charles Asbury - University of Washington | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Brandi Cossairt - University of Washington | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Christopher J. Diorio - Impinj, Inc. | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Munira Khalil - University of Washington | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Rajesh P. Rao - University of Washington | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Thomas Rothvoss - University of Washington | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Phillip D. Ihinger - University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Amy J. Barger - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Chang-Beom Eom - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Cary B. Forest - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Patrick H. Masson - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Peter McIntyre - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Thomas W. Reps - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Basil Tikoff - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Thad G. Walker - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Melanie Matchett Wood - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Martin Zanni - University of Wisconsin, Madison | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Anna W. Roe - Vanderbilt University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Arpita Bose - Washington University, St. Louis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Gregory R. Bowman - Washington University, St. Louis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Fike - Washington University, St. Louis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Anne M. Hofmeister - Washington University, St. Louis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Barbara N. Kunkel - Washington University, St. Louis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Richard A. Loomis - Washington University, St. Louis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Holden Thorp - Washington University, St. Louis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael E. Wysession - Washington University, St. Louis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hui Cao - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael J. Caplan - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David P. DeMille - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David A.D. Evans - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Rong Fan - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alexey Fedorov - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Seth Herzon - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Liang Jiang - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Haifan Lin - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Daniel McKinsey - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Noah John Planavsky - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Peter T. Rakich - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Robert J. Schoelkopf - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hong Tang - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Patrick H. Vaccaro - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- T. Kyle Vanderlick - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael E. Birnbaum - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Amir Safavi-Naeini - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jonathan C. Barnes - Washington University in St. Louis | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Konstantin Batygin - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ilana Brito - Cornell University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Marine A. Denolle - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Elaine Hsiao - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Pinshane Huang - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alexie S. Leauthaud-Harnett - University of California, Santa Cruz | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Nir M. Navon - Yale University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Hosea M. Nelson - University of California, Los Angeles | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Magdalena R. Osburn - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- John V. Pardon - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mikael C. Rechtsman - Pennsylvania State University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Annabelle C. Singer - Georgia Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael Yartsev - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Laurence Yeung - Rice University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Alistair N. Boettiger - Stanford University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ann-Marie Madigan - University of Colorado, Boulder | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Arthur Prindle - Northwestern University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- David Patterson - University of California, Santa Barbara | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Ian Seiple - University of California, San Francisco | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Jiun-Haw Chu - University of Washington | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Karen Kasza - Columbia University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Keenan Crane - Carnegie Mellon University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Kristin Bergmann - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mahdi Soltanolkotabi - University of Southern California | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mansi M. Kasliwal - California Institute of Technology | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Mary Caswell Stoddard - Princeton University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Matthew R. Jones - Rice University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Michael Baym - Harvard University | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Norman Yao - University of California, Berkeley | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- Renske van der Veen - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
- William Anderegg - University of Utah | VL Navigator | Investigator Profile
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Readers please note that the information on this website is compiled and provided by Visible Legacy and is not done as part of Packard Foundation nor is there a commercial relationship between Visible Legacy and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Visible Legacy is an independent company offering information for Tech Scouts to help translate academic research into real-world solutions more quickly. The website is offered free to the public through the support of sponsors.